Residential Tenancies Act ( RTA)

If you are renting in Alberta, please be aware that the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA) is in place to protect you as a renter. The RTA sets out rights and responsibilities for both the tenants and the landlords. To view the RTA go to the Service Alberta website at>Landlords/tenants>Legislation.


Service Alberta is responsible for enforcing the offence sections of the RTA and the regulations. If you have a complaint or dispute between you and your landlord, you can contact Consumer Services. The first step in any complaint process is to talk to an Information Officer in the Consumer Contact Centre. Toll free in Alberta 1-877-427-4088 or 780-427-4088 (Edmonton). They can give you information to settle the disputes on your own or advice you of your rights under the legislation.


Talk with your landlord, clarify information and put anything agreed upon in writing. Written agreements are always better, as it provides evidence should there ever be a problem. Keeping the lines of communication open between the landlord and the tenant can prevent any misunderstandings and potential disagreements.


The RTA applies to most residential tenants who live in one of the following:

  • A house, apartment, duplex or mobile home
  • A hotel or motel room if rented for more than 6 consecutive months
  • A rooming or boarding house (in most cases


The RTA does not apply to the following tenancies.

  • Rental premises that are occupied for business purposes that also have living accommodations attached and both are rented under a single agreement
  • People who share a landlord’s living quarters as though they were a part of the landlord’s family
  • Hotels, motels, trailer parks, tourist homes or other vacation accommodations if a person lives there for less than six consecutive months
  • Rental premises rented to a student by an educational institution unless the student has exclusive possession of self-contained rental premises
  • Mobile home sites as set out in the Mobile Home Sites Tenancies Act

Be aware of your rights as a tenant. Not all landlords out there are good landlords. Some landlords are not aware of the RTA and the laws set out to protect the tenant (you) and the landlord (them).


Be safe out there and know your rights.


Christine Versnick
CIR Realty