Stillwater Community Overview

Community overview from Wikipedia.

Stillwater Apartment Rental Stats

Property Type # of Listings Min Price Max Price Avg Price
Main Floors4$1900$3100$2325
Total Rentals16$1250$3100$1990

Stillwater Closest Schools

Name/Address Distance
Parkland Immanuel Christian School
5320 Edgemont Boulevard Northwest, Edmonton
2.16 km
Jumpstart Early Learning Academy (Preschool) - Edgemont
20041 Lessard Road Northwest, Edmonton
2.69 km
Li'L Einstein's Inc
2009 Cameron Ravine Way, Edmonton
3.43 km
Mosaic Music Studio
1166 Hays Drive Northwest, Edmonton
3.47 km
The Joy of Music School
Kennedy Green Southwest, Edmonton
3.66 km
5568 Windermere Boulevard, Edmonton
3.67 km
UCMAS: Abacus & Mental Math / i-Maths: Creative Mathematics / Dynamic English Enrichment Program
316 Windermere Road Northwest Unit 205, Edmonton
3.74 km
Strength And Grace Yoga
328 Windermere Road Northwest, Edmonton
3.74 km
Constable Daniel Woodall School
315 Windermere Road Northwest, Edmonton
3.84 km
St. John XXIII Edmonton Catholic School
365 Windermere Road Northwest, Edmonton
3.91 km
Bessie Nichols School
189 Hemingway Road Northwest, Edmonton
3.92 km
Colegio niños
365 Windermere Road Northwest, Edmonton
3.93 km
CC's Piano Studio
4309 Whitelaw Way Northwest, Edmonton
4.21 km
Sister Annata Brockman Elementary/Junior High School
355 Hemingway Road Northwest, Edmonton
4.42 km
Prism Piano Studio
17518 10 Avenue Southwest, Edmonton
4.42 km
Michael A. Kostek School
5303 190 Street Northwest, Edmonton
4.44 km
Edmonton Music Lessons
185 Street Northwest, Edmonton
4.45 km
Bambini Learning Group - Hamptons
5955 199 Street Northwest, Edmonton
4.52 km
Joey Moss School
1905 182 Street Southwest, Edmonton
4.59 km
S. Bruce Smith School
5545 184 Street Northwest, Edmonton
4.85 km

Distances are estimated from a central point within the community.

Stillwater Closest Libraries

Name/Address Distance
Little Free Library Edgemont
6703 Elston Lane, Edmonton
2.28 km
Little Free Library - Wyrmwood Library
19007 56 Avenue Northwest, Edmonton
4.58 km

Distances are estimated from a central point within the community.

Stillwater Distance to Local Landmarks

Alberta Legislature Building 14.42 km
Bonnie Doon Shopping Centre 16.20 km
Commonwealth Stadium 17.60 km
Concordia College 19.21 km
Downtown Edmonton 15.40 km
Edmonton International Airport 17.02 km
Edmonton City Centre 15.74 km
Edmonton City Centre Airport 16.76 km
Edmonton City Hall 15.73 km
Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital 14.45 km
Grey Nuns Community Hospital 15.91 km
King's University College 18.65 km
Kingsway Mall 16.63 km
Londonderry Mall 22.38 km
MacEwan - Centre for the Arts 11.24 km
MacEwan - City Centre 10.69 km
MacEwan - South Campus 15.07 km
Manulife Place 15.50 km
Misericordia Community Hospital 8.54 km
N.A.I.T 17.08 km
Norquest College - Downtown 14.96 km
Norquest College - Westmount 14.39 km
Northgate Centre 20.26 km
Rexall Place 19.55 km
Royal Alexandra Hospital 16.39 km
Southgate Centre 11.13 km
St. Joseph's Auxiliary Hospital 11.05 km
Stollery Children's Hospital 12.56 km
University of Alberta 12.63 km
University of Alberta Hospital 12.56 km
West Edmonton Mall 8.77 km
Westmount Centre 14.47 km

Distances are estimated from a central point within the community.

Stillwater Map View

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