Batchelor Heights Community Overview

Community overview from Wikipedia.

Batchelor Heights Apartment Rental Stats

Currently there are no active rental properties listed within Array

Batchelor Heights Closest Schools

Name/Address Distance
Parkcrest Elementary School
2170 Parkcrest Avenue, Kamloops
2.56 km
Mark’s Music Lessons
1009 Calmar Place, Kamloops
2.91 km
Brocklehurst Secondary School
985 Windbreak Street, Kamloops
3.02 km
Kay Bingham Elementary
950 Southill Street, Kamloops
3.11 km
George Hilliard Elementary School
985 Holt Street, Kamloops
3.12 km
Kamloops Guitar Lessons
2681 Young Place, Kamloops
3.19 km
Valley First Aid Training at Brock Centre
1800 Tranquille Road Unit 201, Kamloops
3.62 km
Noah's Ark Daycare
1550 Tranquille Road, Kamloops
3.80 km
A E Perry Elementary
1380 Sherbrooke Avenue, Kamloops
3.82 km
Happyvale Elementary
655 Holt Street, Kamloops
3.91 km
Westmount Elementary
745 Walkem Road, Kamloops
3.98 km
Little Diplomas Preschool
711 Windsor Avenue, Kamloops
4.34 km
Bert Edwards Science & Tech School
711 Windsor Avenue, Kamloops
4.35 km
Thompson Rivers University
1015 Tranquille Road, Kamloops
4.59 km
NorKam Secondary School
730 12th Street, Kamloops
4.62 km
First Steps Education Program
480 Kenora Road, Kamloops
4.74 km
Happy Honeybees Child Care
750 Cottonwood Avenue, Kamloops
4.84 km
Kamloops Business School
750 Cottonwood Avenue, Kamloops
4.85 km
Kamloops Christian School
750 Cottonwood Avenue, Kamloops
4.87 km
Kamloops Christian School Early Learning Centre
750 Cottonwood Avenue, Kamloops
4.88 km

Distances are estimated from a central point within the community.

Batchelor Heights Closest Libraries

Name/Address Distance
Little Free Library - Sanatorium pro Anima
1655 Ord Road #115, Kamloops
2.73 km

Distances are estimated from a central point within the community.

Distances are estimated from a central point within the community.

Batchelor Heights Map View

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