Valleyview Community Overview

Community overview from Wikipedia.

Valleyview Apartment Rental Stats

Property Type # of Listings Min Price Max Price Avg Price
Total Rentals3$1635$1948$1743

Valleyview Closest Schools

Name/Address Distance
Marion Schilling Elementary
2200 Park Drive, Kamloops
0.49 km
Valleyview Secondary
1950 Valleyview Drive, Kamloops
0.96 km
Ralph Bell Elementary
1764 Valleyview Drive, Kamloops
1.83 km
Juniper Ridge Elementary
2540 Qu'Appelle Boulevard, Kamloops
2.14 km
Sk’elep School of Excellence
365 Powwow Trail, Kamloops
2.48 km
Kamloops Kidz (Orchards Walk Campus)
3200 Valleyview Drive, Kamloops
2.57 km
Lloyd George Elementary School
830 Pine Street, Kamloops
4.18 km
Kamloops School of the Arts
1390 9 Avenue, Kamloops
4.27 km
South Kamloops Secondary School
821 Munro Street, Kamloops
4.28 km
First Baptist Church & Classical Academy
454 Columbia Street, Kamloops
4.85 km
Kamloops United Preschool
421 St Paul Street, Kamloops
4.90 km

Distances are estimated from a central point within the community.

Valleyview Closest Libraries

Name/Address Distance
Little rainbow free library
2437 Omineca Drive, Kamloops
2.06 km
Little Free Library Charter #98871
3001 Visao Court, Kamloops
2.44 km
Little Free Library Charter #81098
1202 Pleasant Street, Kamloops
3.58 km
Kamloops Library, Thompson-Nicola Regional Library
465 Victoria Street #100, Kamloops
4.80 km
Courthouse Libraries BC - Kamloops
455 Columbia Street, Kamloops
4.87 km

Distances are estimated from a central point within the community.

Distances are estimated from a central point within the community.

Valleyview Map View

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