Green Acres Community Overview

Community overview from Wikipedia.

Green Acres Apartment Rental Stats

Currently there are no active rental properties listed within Array

Green Acres Closest Schools

Name/Address Distance
Green Acres School
335 Queens Avenue East, Brandon
0.05 km
L'ecole Harrison School
415 Queens Avenue, Brandon
0.57 km
Crocus Plains Regional Secondary School
1930 1st Street, Brandon
1.31 km
Ecole secondaire Neelin High School
1020 Brandon Avenue, Brandon
1.36 km
École New Era School
527 Louise Avenue, Brandon
1.76 km
82 Brandon Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron
1116 Victoria Avenue, Brandon
1.94 km
Brandon Friendship Centre Adult Education (Upgrading)
602 Rosser Avenue, Brandon
2.21 km
Earl Oxford School
540 18th Street, Brandon
2.44 km
Brandon Nursery School
451 18th Street, Brandon
2.46 km
Meadows School
1220 22nd Street, Brandon
2.52 km
Brandon University
270 18th Street, Brandon
2.66 km
J. R. Reid School
813 26th Street, Brandon
2.92 km
Sioux Valley High School
2320 Louise Avenue, Brandon
2.97 km
Vincent Massey High School
715 McDiarmid Drive, Brandon
3.32 km
Wee Wisdom Nursery School
142 28 Street, Brandon
3.60 km
Beginnings Preschool Inc
3101 Victoria Avenue, Brandon
3.64 km
Valleyview Centennial School
65 Whillier Drive, Brandon
3.77 km
Kirkcaldy Heights School
10 Knowlton Drive, Brandon
4.09 km
30 Knowlton Drive, Brandon
4.27 km
Riverheights School
32 East Fotheringham Drive, Brandon
4.79 km

Distances are estimated from a central point within the community.

Green Acres Closest Libraries

Name/Address Distance
Manitoba Public Library Svc
340 9th Street B10, Brandon
2.01 km
Brandon Public Library
710 Rosser Avenue Unit 1, Brandon
2.26 km
John E. Robbins Library
240 18th Street, Brandon
2.72 km

Distances are estimated from a central point within the community.

Distances are estimated from a central point within the community.

Green Acres Map View

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