Waverley West Community Overview

Community overview from Wikipedia.

Waverley West Apartment Rental Stats

Property Type # of Listings Min Price Max Price Avg Price
Total Rentals5$1345$1805$1617

Waverley West Closest Schools

Name/Address Distance
South Pointe School / École South Pointe
615 Kirkbridge Drive, Winnipeg
1.63 km
Bairdmore School
700 Bairdmore Boulevard, Winnipeg
1.79 km
Richmond Kings Nursery School
933 Summerside Avenue, Winnipeg
2.06 km
Fort Richmond
99 Killarney Avenue, Winnipeg
2.22 km
Arthur A. Leach Junior High
1827 Chancellor Drive, Winnipeg
2.22 km
Acadia Junior High
175 Killarney Avenue, Winnipeg
2.42 km
130 Henlow Bay, Winnipeg
2.45 km
Pembina Trails School Division
181 Henlow Bay, Winnipeg
2.46 km
R.H.G. Bonnycastle School
1100 Chancellor Drive, Winnipeg
2.56 km
Henry G. Izatt Middle School
960 Scurfield Boulevard, Winnipeg
2.77 km
The Manitoba Tourism Education Council
75 Scurfield Boulevard #3, Winnipeg
2.80 km
Gymboree Play & Music, South Winnipeg
1727 Kenaston Boulevard #3, Winnipeg
3.05 km
Parc La Salle School
190 Houde Drive, Winnipeg
3.51 km
Division of Preparatory Studie
97 Dafoe Road West, Winnipeg
3.85 km
Student Accessibility Services
University Centre, 155 Chancellors Circle, Winnipeg
3.95 km
The Carpenter's Montessori School
400 Fort Whyte Way #300, Winnipeg
4.01 km
Aqua Essence Swim Academy
1585 Kenaston Boulevard #4, Winnipeg
4.04 km
H2O Academy
400 Fort Whyte Way #200, Oak Bluff
4.08 km
St. Maurice School
1639 Pembina Highway, Winnipeg
4.56 km
Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology
1551 Pembina Highway, Winnipeg
4.94 km

Distances are estimated from a central point within the community.

Waverley West Closest Libraries

Name/Address Distance
Pembina Trail Library
2724 Pembina Highway, Winnipeg
1.92 km
Father Harold Drake Library
University of Manitoba, 119 St. Paul's College 70, Winnipeg
3.70 km
Architecture/Fine Arts Library
University of Manitoba, Russell Building, 206 John A, 84 Curry Place, Winnipeg
3.81 km
Eckhardt Gramatté Music Library
University of Manitoba, T257 Taché Arts Complex, 136 Dafoe Road West, Winnipeg
4.00 km
Jim Peebles Science and Technology Library
Machray Hall, 211, 186 Dysart Road, Winnipeg
4.08 km
Elizabeth Dafoe Library
University of Manitoba, 25 Chancellors Circle, Winnipeg
4.15 km
E.K. Williams Law Library
University of Manitoba, Robson Hall, 224 Dysart Road Room 401, Winnipeg
4.30 km
St. Maurice School Little Library
1639 Pembina Highway, Winnipeg
4.56 km

Distances are estimated from a central point within the community.

Waverley West Distance to Local Landmarks

Ben-Gurion University 8.89 km
Billinkoff Errol 11.87 km
Brandon University - Winnipeg Campus 11.02 km
Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation 11.51 km
Canadian Mennonite University 10.87 km
CancerCare Manitoba 10.91 km
CancerCare Manitoba 9.73 km
CF Polo Park 10.14 km
Children's Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba 12.34 km
cityplace 11.25 km
Corporate Health Works Inc 10.16 km
Crescentwood Site of Corydon Community Centre 7.96 km
Department of Community Health Sciences, University of Manitoba Faculty of Medicine 12.42 km
Dominion Centre 10.69 km
Down town 12.36 km
Duckworth Centre 11.17 km
Envoy Medical Centre 12.30 km
ESM 11.86 km
Fort Rouge Curling Club 8.24 km
Grand Medicine Health Sciences Pharmacy - HSC 12.50 km
Grant Park Festival 6.60 km
Grant Park Shopping Centre 7.17 km
Gravity Lingerie 8.64 km
J.A. Hildes Northern Medical Unit , University of Manitoba Faculty of Medicine 12.43 km
Johnston Terminal At The Forks 11.08 km
Juney's Grocery 13.83 km
Madison Square 10.05 km
Medicine Shoppe 8.53 km
Menno Simons College 10.86 km
Mott McDonald 11.11 km
Norwood Walk-In & Family Medical Centre 10.64 km
Nova Physiotherapy 11.04 km
Old Exhibition Arena 14.07 km
Paterson GlobalFoods Institute 12.10 km
Pioneer Arena 13.03 km
Portage Place Shopping Centre 11.33 km
Prothotics Healthwest 10.92 km
Q-Power Inc 11.69 km
Reliable Home Care Agency 9.86 km
Riverview Health Centre 9.51 km
Saint Boniface 12.16 km
Shaw Park 11.67 km
St-Boniface Hospital Research 10.72 km
St. Andrews Airport 31.25 km
St. Boniface Hospital 10.88 km
Teach-in and Protest 11.76 km
Teavana 10.08 km
The Kanee Centre of the Sharon Home 13.83 km
The University of Manitoba - Collège Universitaire De Saint-Boniface 11.58 km
Thirsty's Auction 11.15 km
Triovest Realty Advisors 11.24 km
Université de Saint-Boniface 11.52 km
University of Manitoba:Family Practice Residency Training Unit 10.99 km
University of Winnipeg 11.08 km
University of Winnipeg - Continuing Education 11.34 km
University of Winnipeg - Room 1L11 Lockhart Theatre 11.19 km
University of Winnipeg Div 11.02 km
University Of Winnipeg Division of Continuing Education 10.97 km
University Of Winnipeg Foundation 11.06 km
University of Winnipeg Library 11.13 km
Urban Planet 11.24 km
Varian Medical Systems 10.66 km
Variety Children's Heart Centre 12.50 km
Wildwoodrose pop-up shop 11.84 km
Winnipeg James Armstrong Richardson International Airport 13.46 km
Winnipeg Prosthetics & Orthotics Specialty Co Ltd 10.75 km
Winnipeg Square 11.61 km
Yvonne Thompson - The Innovative Leader 9.91 km

Distances are estimated from a central point within the community.

Waverley West Map View

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