Lakewood S.C. Community Overview

Community overview from Wikipedia.

Lakewood S.C. Apartment Rental Stats

Property Type # of Listings Min Price Max Price Avg Price
Total Rentals3$1520$1650$1600

Lakewood S.C. Closest Schools

Name/Address Distance
Joanne Marchildon Gallery-Art
303 Slimmon Place #201, Saskatoon
0.32 km
Emmeline Preschool, St Luke School
275 Emmeline Road, Saskatoon
0.89 km
Ready Set Grow Preschool
4025 Taylor Street East, Saskatoon
1.74 km
St Bernard Preschool
203 Whiteshore Crescent, Saskatoon
2.02 km
St. Bernard School
203 Whiteshore Crescent, Saskatoon
2.02 km
Coldspring Paddling Instruction
190 Coldspring Crescent, Saskatoon
2.24 km
Rosewood Co-Operative Preschool
203 Rosedale Road, Saskatoon
2.30 km
Lakeview Extended School Day Program
527 Kingsmere Blvd, Saskatoon
2.41 km
Allegro Montessori School
1636 Acadia Drive, Saskatoon
2.62 km
Monarch House
3333 8 Street East #200, Saskatoon
3.19 km
Mes Amis Preschool
1508 Arlington Avenue, Saskatoon
3.43 km
Evan Hardy Collegiate
605 Acadia Drive, Saskatoon
3.47 km
Arlington Preschool
3035 Arlington Avenue, Saskatoon
3.58 km
Saskatoon Catholic Cyber School
3K7, 2701 Porter Street, Saskatoon
3.62 km
Holy Cross High School
2115 Mceown Avenue, Saskatoon
3.63 km
John Dolan School
3144 Arlington Avenue, Saskatoon
3.89 km
Circle Drive Preschool
3035 Preston Avenue South, Saskatoon
3.96 km
St. Frances Cree Bilingual School - Bateman
6 Bateman Crescent, Saskatoon
4.01 km
Walter Murray Collegiate
1905 Preston Avenue South, Saskatoon
4.06 km
École Canadienne-Française - Pavillon Gustave-Dubois
2320 Louise Avenue, Saskatoon
4.19 km

Distances are estimated from a central point within the community.

Lakewood S.C. Closest Libraries

Name/Address Distance
Cliff Wright Library
1635 McKercher Drive, Saskatoon
1.71 km
Lakewood Civic Centre
1635 McKercher Drive, Saskatoon
1.71 km
Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation - Arbos Centre for Learning
2311 Arlington Avenue, Saskatoon
3.21 km
Round Prairie Library
250 Hunter Road #170, Saskatoon
4.14 km

Distances are estimated from a central point within the community.

Lakewood S.C. Distance to Local Landmarks

Administration Building 5.97 km
AIESEC Saskatoon 6.20 km
Archibald Arena 7.82 km
Bayside Mall 7.77 km
Bob Van Impe Field 9.23 km
Canada 328 Army Medical Cadets 8.64 km
Canadian Cancer Society 7.80 km
Canadian Mental Health Association, Saskatoon Branch 10.44 km
Centre for Continuing and Distance Education 5.76 km
Centre for the Study of Co-operatives 6.62 km
Clarence Downey Speed Skating Oval 9.32 km
Complete Health Services Ideal Protein Centre 10.53 km
Confederation Mall 11.47 km
Costco Saskatoon South 10.60 km
Cumberland Shopping Centre 5.18 km
Dental Clinic 6.33 km
Dundonald Park Rink 12.53 km
Edwards MBA 7.50 km
Edwards School of Business 6.46 km
Emmanuel & St Chad College 6.77 km
Gabriel Dumont Institute 9.00 km
Gordie Howe Field 9.13 km
Gordie Howe Kinsmen Arena 9.04 km
Grand Central Plaza 8.32 km
Griffiths Stadium 5.60 km
Grosvenor Park Centre 4.67 km
Health Science Building 6.32 km
Health Sciences B450 6.33 km
Lawson Heights Mall 9.51 km
Leakos Field 9.17 km
Louis the 8th Mall 5.04 km
M D Ambulance Care Ltd 7.38 km
Midtown Plaza 7.85 km
NAW 7.36 km
Nurse's Alumni Wing 7.32 km
River City Centre 9.24 km
Riverside Badminton & Tennis Club 8.24 km
Robi Massage Therapy 7.36 km
Royal University Hospital 6.52 km
Saskatoon City Hospital 7.49 km
Saskatoon Community Clinic - Westside 9.47 km
Saskatoon International Airport 12.70 km
Saskatoon Wellness Centre 7.41 km
Scotia Centre 7.70 km
Sears 7.81 km
Sexual Health Centre 7.71 km
SMF Field at Gordie Howe Park 9.26 km
Speech-Language Pathology 6.46 km
st pauls s hospital saskatoon 9.06 km
St. Paul's Hospital 9.63 km
TRLabs 6.61 km
University of Saskatchewan 6.13 km
University of Saskatchewan 5.94 km
University of Saskatchewan Archives 6.25 km
University of Saskatchewan College of Dentistry 6.33 km
University of Saskatchewan Engineering Building 5.94 km
University of Saskatchewan Geological Museum 7.36 km
University of Saskatchewan Language Centre 5.76 km
University of Saskatchewan: Post Graduate Medical Education 6.38 km
Varsity Common 5.08 km
Walk-In Clinic at Walmart Saskatoon North by Jack Nathan Health 7.02 km
West Stands 5.64 km
West Winds Primary Health Centre 11.32 km
Westgate Plaza 10.53 km
Westside Community Clinic 8.54 km
Women's Mid-Life Health Centre of Saskatchewan Inc 7.49 km

Distances are estimated from a central point within the community.

Lakewood S.C. Map View

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