Country Hills Community Overview

Country Hills is a residential neighbourhood in the north-west quadrant of Calgary, Alberta. It is bounded to the north by the Country Hills Boulevard, to the south by Beddington Trail and to the east by Harvest Hills Boulevard. to the south-west, it is bordered by the Country Hills golf course and the West Nose Creek. The new community of Country Hills Village is located in the north-east of the neighbourhood.

Country Hills was established in 1990.

Community overview from Wikipedia.

Country Hills Apartment Rental Stats

Property Type # of Listings Min Price Max Price Avg Price
Room For Rent2$600$800$700
Total Rentals15$600$2500$1866

Country Hills Distance to Local Landmarks

Alberta Children's Hospital 11,664.06 km
Alberta College of Arts and Design (ACAD) 11,660.64 km
Ambrose University College 11,667.47 km
Bow Valley College 11,658.63 km
Calgary Airport 11,652.49 km
Calgary Zoo 11,657.15 km
Chinook Centre Mall 11,661.59 km
City Hall 11,658.86 km
Cross Iron Mills 11,645.49 km
Deerfoot Mall 11,655.42 km
Devry Institute of Tech 11,654.64 km
Downtown Calgary 11,659.77 km
Foothills Hospital 11,663.01 km
Market Mall 11,663.90 km
Mount Royal University 11,664.84 km
Peter Lougheed Hospital 11,652.75 km
Rocky Mountain College 11,662.22 km
Rockyview Hospital 11,663.42 km
SAIT 11,660.13 km
South Health Campus 11,657.82 km
Southcentre Mall 11,662.58 km
Sunridge Mall 11,653.05 km
University of Calgary 11,662.47 km

Distances are estimated from a central point within the community.

Country Hills Map View

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