Greely Community Overview

Greely is bounded by Highway 417, Leitrim and Rideau Roads (approx.) to the north. To the south are Snake Island, Apple Orchard, and Manotick Station Roads. To the west is the Rideau River and to the east are 7th Line, Mitch Owens, and Boundary Roads.

Community overview retrieved from

Community overview from Wikipedia.

Greely Apartment Rental Stats

Currently there are no active rental properties listed within Array

Greely Closest Schools

Name/Address Distance
Greely Elementary School
7066 Parkway Road, Greely
0.43 km
Poco Piano Music Studio
1665 Nightshade Place, Greely
1.73 km
Arora Music Studio
6730 Waterside Court, Greely
2.00 km
St. Mary School
5536 Bank Street, Gloucester
2.33 km
Ekho Institute
6302 Emerald Links Drive, Greely
3.32 km
Scuba Finatics Ottawa
6716 Bank Street, Ottawa
4.17 km

Distances are estimated from a central point within the community.

Greely Closest Libraries

Name/Address Distance
Ottawa Public Library - Greely
1448 Meadow Drive, Ottawa
0.90 km

Distances are estimated from a central point within the community.

Distances are estimated from a central point within the community.

Greely Map View

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